JoAnn Hegarty

Bio: An expert in both the technical and commercial aspects of blood bank and laboratory markets, Jo Ann Hegarty uses her 30+ years of experience in the medical industry to bring improvement methodologies to healthcare organizations. Her experience with Johnson & Johnson includes service at Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, where she held positions of increasing responsibility in the Philip Levine blood bank reference laboratory, sales, technical services, and quality assurance management. Most recently, as Marketing Director of the ValuMetrix Services group of Ortho Clinical, she developed and piloted a blood management program using lean and six sigma tools applied to blood banking.
Hegarty’s general management experience in the healthcare industry encompasses marketing, sales, operations, business development, and technical support. Her experience includes more than 15 years as a blood bank medical technologist and an assistant supervisor of a transfusion service for a mid-sized community medical center. As a marketing executive for U.S. and international markets, she developed and commercialized a wide range of products and services. Her skills and experience include product launch strategies, sales training, marketing communications and promotion, as well as services value creation. She now uses her experience to provide blood management consulting to drive dramatic improvements in blood management and utilization. Her expertise in the use of a wide range of improvement tools including Lean and Six Sigma has led to significant dollar savings for clients. With a special interest in applying Lean tools to patient blood management, she has authored and co-authored numerous technical papers that have been published at annual AABB, AACC, ISBT and SABM meetings.