Lab Quality Confab Archive:
2008 Event Information- Sep 24-25 in Atlanta, GA:
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It's everything about quality and management in diagnostic medicine!
Lab Quality Confab is an annual gathering dedicated to advancing the knowledge, skills, and effectiveness of quality management practitioners in diagnostic medicine. Programs, information, and training are designed for every level of manager and all levels of knowledge and experience. Diagnostic medicine, particularly the services of clinical laboratory, pathology, imaging, and radiology, make up the primary emphasis of the Lab Quality Confab.
THE CORNERSTONE OF LAB MANAGEMENT for first mover and early adopter laboratories, pathology groups, and hospitals in this nation. Now the secret is out! It’s time to share the knowledge and teach the lessons learned.
That is why, in Atlanta, on September 24-25, 2008, we gathered leaders and experts in Lean and Six Sigma. These are prime movers in the mission to advance the contribution of laboratory medicine.
Often first to deploy Lean/Six Sigma techniques in their own laboratories in recent years, they have blazed a path that the rest of us can follow. It is an unprecedented opportunity for you, your laboratory, and your parent hospital/health system!
We’ve done the hard work to assemble laboratory medicine’s brightest minds and most skilled practitioners of Lean/Six Sigma. Join us next fall!
Lab Quality Confab is part of The Dark Intelligence Group, Inc. and is dedicated to bringing useful business and management intelligence to managers and administrators of clinical diagnostic services, pathologists, radiologists, and industry executives. Our recognized expertise in the strategic direction of diagnostic medicine and the management of clinical diagnostics is available through DARK Daily, THE DARK REPORT, the Executive War College on Laboratory and Pathology Management, timely White Papers, and strategic consulting services.
Photos of the 2008 Lab Quality Confab in Atlanta
2008 Lab Quality Confab Poster Session Applications:
Good Samaritan Hospital uses Lean to cut turn-around time by 35%
Jason Coons
THIRD PLACE! Clinical Pathology
Vancouver Coastal Health Regional Laboratory Medicine
Improving Specimen Flow and Turn Around Times at Vancouver General Hospital
Anita Kwong
BloodCenter of Wisconsin
Increasing Assay Efficiency Using Value Stream Map Tool
Andrew Lochowicz
THIRD PLACE! Anatomic Pathology
Henry Ford Health System
Melding LEAN and Barcode Technology to Reduce In-Process Surgical Pathology (SP) Mis-Identifications
Richard J. Zarbo, MD
SECOND PLACE! Clinical Pathology
Henry Ford Health System
Focusing On The Patient: Using LEAN to Improve Phlebotomy Wait and Test Result Times in the Outpatient Setting
Rita D'Angelo MS
Henry Ford Health System
Eliminating Specimen Collection Defects at a Medical Center through Observation, Standardization, Education and LEAN Process Redesign
Anjna Gandhi MT
Henry Ford Health System
Amended Reports in Surgical Pathology: Post-LEAN Outcomes 2001-2008
Ruan C. Varney CT, ASQ CQE, SSBB
East Kootenay Regional Hospital
"Leaning To The Client" Make It Real, Make It Happen, Make It Last
Pat Johnston
FIRST PLACE! Anatomic Pathology
University of Iowa Healthcare
Effective Use of Process Analysis and Lean Methodology to Improve Processes within the Gynecologic Cytopathology Testing Cycle
Kent Becker, Jeanne Myers, Cheryl Lown, Tanika Moreland, Rose Meyer, Chad Hoffman
Greensboro Pathology Assoc.
Anatomic Pathology Reduction Of Variances in Data Entry Of Patient Information
Kaye Wells
SECOND PLACE! Anatomic Pathology
Interior Health – Kelowna General Hospital
On the Road to Process Control: A Redesign Driven by Data in Anatomic Pathology
Robin Trerice / Susanne Young
Sutter Solano Medical Center, Vallejo
Sutter Solano Getting Our Ducks in a Row (Clinical Pathology)
Joe Wells
Baystate Health / Baystate Reference Laboratories
Sliding to Success (Anatomic Pathology)
John Olinski
Baystate Health / Baystate Reference Laboratories
Turnaround Time Express (Clinical Pathology)
Virginia Blake
Baystate Health / Baystate Reference Laboratories
Send Out Test Optimization (Clinical & Anatomic)
Virginia Blake
FIRST PLACE! Clinical Pathology
Vancouver Coastal Health Regional Laboratory Medicine
Using a Lean Systems Approach (LSA) to Improve Time to Reporting of Positive Blood Cultures (BC)
Angela Whitley
Carolinas Laboratory Network
Lean Kaizen Event Targets Delays in Pre-Analytic Processes
Matthew Sergent, Andre Carelock, Renee White
Chi Solutions
Use of Lean Six Sigma Tools for the Design of a Core Laboratory
Wayne Mercer, Hans Froehling, Nora Hess
Atlantic Health
Histology Workflow
Annamarie Dockery, Christopher Scano, Craig Dise MD, Joe Immordino,
Marilyn Ilvento, Michael Overa, Nancy Mitchell, Ron Delacruz, Veronica Fraser